Friday, September 26, 2008


Missing Daddy today!
like all days, I love you Daddy! and miss you VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, so it's been a while and it's not because I've been busy. With the boys gone there's just not much to do these days, but I try to stay busy. Last weekend was fun, we had 2 Babies and a Bridal Shower for Damon and Carolyn, Austen and Jennifer and Bridal for Meagan and Beau. Joe cooked a pig at Sue's and everything was really good. I'll post a few pictures from that. Damon and Carolyn are having a girl and Austen and Jennifer are also having a girl, it seems so funny that with all of our boys now the Grandchildren are having girls, but we are definately excited about having girls. Carolyn is due Christmas Day and Jennifer is due Jan. 9 so things are gonna start hopping around us soon. Beau's wedding is Oct. 25 and we're also excited about that. That's about it, the weather is turning cooler and I love fall and all the beautiful colors and the fact that we can turn the AC off! Well, hope all is well with everyone.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Okay, I'm ready to post, it's wednesday and I'm late for the week. This past weekend Joe and I traveled to Charlotte to see the VT Hokies play. It was a nice trip, we stayed at a nice hotel and Jarrin and Sidney stayed with us. It was an extremely hot weekend and that makes me miserable and to make matters worst the Hokies lost to ECU. Jarrin's best friend Kevin was there with Brittany his girlfriend and it was great to see them. Today's his birthday, Happy Birthday Kevin!!! Of course I had a few text messages and voice mails throughtout the day. But I took my licks and am just hoping and praying the Hokies AND the Redskins won't have a losing season. It was great having monday off for Labor Day, it gave Joe and I a chance to rest up from our busy weekend. Charlotte was a very nice city we rode the light rail which was different of course it was great to be back home. I'll post a few pictures from this weekend. Happy mid-week everyone and have a great weekend.
