Monday, June 23, 2008


Happy Birthday Jarrin!!!

Well, it's been 24 years since you were born. What a wonderful day it was when you were born, Joe and I instantly fell in love with our beautiful baby boy. You were such a joy growing up with your many talents, catching fish since you were able to hold a fishing rod, dipping heron in the river and at the mill, hunting and always coming home with something to cook. And your absolutely beautiful voice. You have brightened many lives with your singing and your wonderful personalty and that beautiful smile. Never change, always stay as loving as you are today. You have also been a great brother to Noel, Thanks for all you do for him and for us. We have been very blessed to have you as our son. Jarrin, from the moment they layed you in my arms, You have been my life. You have my heart and my love always and forever. I love you.



Yesterday, was a very nice day, Joe and I rode across the river to the beach and stayed all day. It was a very pretty day, nice breeze and great company. Joe and I enjoy each other's company alot. Since the boys left we have gotten to spend some great quality time together. I told Joe when Noel left "I sure hope you like me because we're going to be spending ALOT of time together, Just Me and you!!! I love you Joe. You're the greatest!!!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Great time tonight, Joe, Sandra, Mike and our fun-loving Bo went out to Dinner at Dockside at Lynnhaven. We had a great meal but the company was even better. We've all spend alot of time together thru the years from Camping trips to fun times at the river to our Nags Head vacations and raising our boys together. I'm extremely blessed to have such wonderful in-laws and to have married into such a wondeful family. I love you all!!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

JUNE 16, 2008

Well, I'll start out saying yesterday was not the best of days. We had a complete tragedy at work. I work at C. a. Perry and Son, for those who don't know I've been here 16-1/2 years. (a long time) Yesterday, we had 3 of our grain bins collapse and took down all the elevator equipment and the dryer with it. It's pretty devastating. Even if I wish I didn't have to work, I do and I love my job and the people I work with. So it was a very heartbreaking day. This place is like my extended family I spend alot of time here. So I'm posting this in sadness. But, We'll keep on and it will be business as usual!!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Father's day 2008

We had a great day today, It was a little crazy with me, I was very sad because my Dad wasn't here. But, he was definately in my thoughts all day. I've posted some of my pictures, as you know I'm supposed to be following in my dad's footsteps with the picture taking, I'm sending my pictures to Shelton and of course that will be the test. Shelton was my dad's best friend and his best computer buddy they talked everyday and shared their families and their lives. Beau proposed to his girlfriend and she was very surprised and excited and of course she said yes, her name is Meagan and she's very sweet. Congratulations Beau and Meagan, may you have many happy years together.We missed having Jarrin there with us but Noel came and that made everyone happy, it's always great seeing his smiling face, I love you Noel!! I love you Jarrin, I wish you could have been here. Happy Father's day to all the Father's that I love!!! I love you all !

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Well, today we left early for Chesapeake, Joe had some work to do and I needed to get a pedicure. So after dropping Joe off I was off to the mall for my wonderful pedicure (my toes look great!) then back to Grandma's to pick Joe up. Joe suggested we go to the Zoo. When our kids were little we went to the zoo regularly it was great cheap fun. Well, today was kinda hot but the zoo has really changed, I've added pictures of our adventure, I'll post tomorrow we're off tonight with Mike, Sandra and Bo, going out to eat at Lynnhaven, I'm sure I'll have alot to post tomorrow so for now. Here's to the Norfolk ZOO! A great time.


Friday, June 13, 2008


ok, since I'm on my daddy thing today, I'll go ahead and post Noel's Tattoo, this is my Baby, my youngest, Noel. When my dad passed away Noel asked me to get the Funeral director to take a picture of my Dad's arm, now I've already told you what a wonderful man my dad was, when he was in the Air Force all of his buddies were getting their girlfriends name put on their arm but my dad said , no he was getting the name of the two people in the whole world who would never let you down. MOM AND DAD so Mother's day weekend Noel and my brother got DAD'S Tattoo, Noel's is on his arm and my Brother Gilly's is over his heart. Even if I don't like tattoo's, I do think it was a wonderful gesture out of love and appreciatation for his papaw that Noel got his Tattoo.
I love you, Noel - You're the Best!!!

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Well, This is my first attempt at a blog, For all who wants to know, It's dedicated to my Daddy. I've done alot of soul searching within the last year. Hopefully I'll post daily and add pictures.

For all who don't know, my dad was the BEST PICTURE TAKER" ever, he took pictures of our family from the time he and mom were dating, to my brother and me being born and growning up, to his grandchildren and their accomplishments and life along the way. I'm going to try and continue what he loved to do. His camera was always with him and now it's with me. I gave my camera to my son, Noel and am now using Dad's old camera. I hope this will honor my wonderful dad is some small way.

So, my first picture will be the last picture that was taken of me and my Dad last Mother's day!!! I miss him just as much 1 year later as I did when he left me. But, I know I have "Pride" because I am my Dad's Daughter, he lives in me. and "LOVE" because I have memories of a lifetime with him (46 years). Yes, that's a long time but not long enough. I will try to live my life as my Dad would have wanted me to. He was a very happy man and loved life and I intend to follow in his footsteps. They are very big shoes to fill but I'll going to give it my best shot.

I love you Daddy!!
